BTS Hotellerie BTS Hotellerie  


Version Française

star_vert star_vert  DEFINITION AND GOALS

2-year course, mainly oriented on technological and professional features, validated by an exam at the end of the 2nd year.


2 Options:

A Option: Marketing and catering management

B Option: Culinary art and service.

star_vert star_vert  STUDENT SKILLS

This training requires the following skills:

  • Expression skills
  • Sense of contact and human relationship in the group
  • Organisation skills
  • Ability to adapt to team work and quick changes

star_vert star_vert  CONDITIONS OF ADMISSION

This training mainly recruits students possessing the A-level (French Baccalauréat)

  • Ordinary National Diploma (Technological and professional option) 2-year course.

     (Hospitality industry baccalauréat)

  • General Baccalauréat . 3-year course.

star_vert star_vert  TRAINING COURSES

The overall length of the training course is 16 weeks , to be shared between the 1st and the 2nd year.

star_vert star_vert  PROJECTS, ACTIONS

Visits, conferences from professionals

star_vert star_vert  JOB PROSPECTS

Hotels, staff canteens, hotel chains, retirement homes, cafeteria manager, hygiene inspector, airline catering staff, motorway catering staff…


According to the student’s project, his motivation and his level, he can follow a professional degree in catering management.